This is my first wood project ever. Actually, it's really the first time I've ever wielded a saw or a drill. So while it's not perfect, it's not a half bad attempt at teaching myself basic carpentry with the fabulous instructions by Anna at Knock off Wood.
The process:
I didn't buy the super cheap wood. It all looked warped to begin with, so I bought the whiteboard. I figured I needed all the help I could since I've never made anything before. All together, screws and everything, I think I spent $30.
I didn't have access to a good electric saw. Well, I guess I could have paid a neighbor do it for me, but I kind of wanted to "own" this first project, cutting and all. I did all of this with a hand saw and a miter box and/or a make shift "miter box imitation" for the boards that didn't fit. I don't suggest doing either of these things. It was virtually impossible to get a square, level cut. At first glance it all seemed to be just dandy, but when I started putting everything together, it was not fantastic. I had to do quite a bit of sanding to make up for my less than perfect cuts to get the legs to sit level on the ground.
I did have fun with my 2 year old.
He enjoyed watching and "helping" me make it.
I love that he knows that mommy made it and not daddy.
When I got to the last two seat boards, I forgot to pre-drill the hole. I hit a knot and busted the support. I was SO angry. So very, very angry. I cried, and yelled. Maybe even cursed. I ended up having to unscrew and pry off the support board and re-do that side. It worked out in the end, but what a pain.
Here's the complete table with the first coat of paint (goblin husband used it for a Warhammer table top, and there was a lot left over, so I figured, why not?). I will do a second coat when it cools off a smidgen. I only did the first coat so I could put it outside and reclaim my kitchen (It was in there for over a month). 107* with 50% humidity is just not ideal for working outside! It's been above 90* at night, so I don't even want to do it then. Blech. This is the time I hate living in TX.
And here are a few videos of my 1 year old enjoying the table.